Det har länge varit svårt att hitta halal kött och kyckling i svenska butiker, men långsamt verkar det gå åt rätt håll. På Willys har man sedan en tid tillbaka kunnat hitta både halal korv, mortadella, salami, kyckling och köttfärs. Nu senast går det även att hitta halal-godkänd kyckling på ICA.
Observera att den här artikeln uppdaterades med ny information baserad på information från ICAs kundtjänst den 20 Januari 2013.
Icas egna kycklingfiléer (se bild nedan) är slaktad i Danmark och klassas som “Halal-godkänd”. Enligt ICAs kundtjänst innebär detta:
Halal betyder “tillåten mat” och många muslimer äter bara halalslaktat kött. Halalslakt innebär att varje djur ska slaktas i Allahs namn vänt mot mecka under bön. Slakten ska utföras av en troende muslim. I vissa fall är halalslakt kopplat till att djuret slaktas utan bedövning. Slakt utan bedövning är förbjudet enligt svensk lagstiftning. Att alla djur bedövas före slakt är också ett mycket viktigt och grundläggande krav vi på ICA ställer på leverantörer av kött utanför Sverige.
Det finns inga krav på att märka ut om ett kött är halaslaktat eller inte men vi har var att göra detta på vår ICA Basic kyckling eftersom vi märker att det finns kunder som efterfrågar detta. Detta kött har alltså slaktats på ett Halalgodkänt sätt samtidigt som den följer svensk lagstiftning och därmed säkrar att djuret har behandlats väl och bedövats före slakt.
Källa: ICAs kundtjänst, e-postkonversation den 18 Januari 2013.
danish chicken which is labelled halal and that which is not, comes from the same source as per many people. So this label does not mean its halal, unless you verify it.
Ok, good to know, thanks!
I mean verify it from the slaughterhouse itself, as done in UK by many people. Look for example here for a south african organization which ensures through halal food through foolproof means:
There is a need for such measures in Sverige!
I completely agree, InshaAllah there will be such measures in Sweden soon as well!
As someone who has lived in Denmark for nearly a decade, I know that there is a legislation in DK which controls the slaughtering of chicken so that it conforms with the definition of halal. Not only that I also personally know Muslim friends who are qualified nutritionist and work for Danpo, for example, whose job is to ensure that the chickens are slaughtered correctly.
Alhamdulillah, good to know!
so is the Ica chicken halal or not?
The packaging of the Ica chicken says that it is Halal-approved. Since no further investigation has been made regarding this chicken by me it is up to the consumers to decide whether they will buy it or not.
Since I am not a scholar on the matter of halal slaughtering practices I think that even if I investigated this further I would not be able to provide an answer to whether it is halal or not. Considering the many views on what can be considered halal and haram in the different schools of jurisprudence, in the end I think that it is up to the consumer to investigate this further and decide if the Halal-approved chicken is halal in their view and if they feel that it meets the standard they have set up for foods. Therefor I will leave it to the reader to decide whether they want to consume it or not, knowing that this labeling exists on the packaging.
However, if anyone has done research on the exact procedure of the slaughtering of these chicken you are welcome to share it with me and I can add it to this article. If not I suppose I could look further into these details and share them with you here (without specifying the halal or haram status of it) and you can all make your own decisions. If there is a demand that is 🙂
Nu har denna artikel uppdaterats med svar från ICAs kundtjänst. Det är upp till var och en att bedöma huruvida de vill äta denna kyckling eller inte.
disgusting to even Ica has fallen for this devilry
Exactly, last time I checked, Danmark and other European countries isn´t islamic countries. Don´t see why we should have halal and other sick stuff in our stores ?
There’s no way for the consumer to find out if the food is halal or not. But if we start questioning whether ICAs Basic chicken is halal or not then we should start questioning all other companies that sell halal food. Either we trust or we stop eating either meat or chicken
There is no simple answer to the question of halal or haram when it comes to meat and chicken. Even the scholars are differing on the issue, so for “common” people like most of us (i.e, non-scholars/experts) one should ask a scholar whom one trusts and follow his/her advise on the matter.